Wednesday, September 23, 2009

longgggggggggggggg bus rides bore' me 2 death!

Last night we had a game in marinette and it was a superrrrrrr long bus ride! then we got there and played and completely killed them, like it was not worth the bus ride at all, but i kinda sucked it up really bad :/. The ride back wasn't as bad though, i wish we could'a stopped at taco bell <3! I love taco bell a lot! Back to the point tho! I was very sore on tha bus, but butt hurt SOOO badly! So i discovered a new way to sit. You slump down in your seat and sit pretzel legged on the back of the seat in front of you! It's actually pretty comfortable, so yup i suggest you try it next time your butt hurts on the bus. Anyways! I know this is kinda stupid to write about but i'm not gonna write personal stuff on here cause everybody can read it, SORRY NOSY PEOPLE :)!


  1. WOOOOO YAY TBELL!!!!<3333

    & pretzel legs tooo :)))))))))

  2. okayy kenzyy.!! so i thought there were no guys on that bus????!!!!! so why'd your butt hurt... lmao ;]]]]]]]
